The breach, which occurred on September 4th, saw the hackers gain access to the private keys of Stake’s Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum hot wallets. This sum, while significant, comprises just 1.2% of the total $41 million stolen by the hackers. Earlier, the hackers had already managed to bridge $4.5 million in stolen funds to the Bitcoin blockchain on September 7th, according to blockchain security firm Arkham. However, it’s important to note that these transfers, totaling $328,000, only represent a small fraction of the total loot. Furthermore, approximately 520,000 MATIC tokens, worth over $266,000, were relocated to Avalanche seven hours earlier, at 7:18 am UTC. The most recent transfer involved 300 BNB tokens, valued at about $61,500, being sent to an externally owned address with the identifier “0圆95.” Subsequently, these tokens were bridged to the Avalanche blockchain on September 11th at 4:09 pm UTC. See more on Skynet 👇 - CertiK Alert September 11, 2023 We are seeing a further movement of funds from the Stake exploiter.ĥ20k MATIC was swapped and bridged to Avalanche before being bridged to BTC as per other fund movements from the exploiter.